Best for producing character, lion, movie character, courage, book character, wizard of oz, and coward images. Activation keywords: CowardlyLion1024
The Cowardly Lion - Wizard of Oz - SDXL
Best for producing character, horror, scary, clown, 80s, books, 2010s, tim curry, book character, it, and stephen king images. Activation keywords: Pennywise1024
It/ Pennywise - SDXL
Best for producing character, harry poter, male, lora, and book character images. Activation keywords: Severus Snape
Severus Snape
Best for producing character, lord of the rings, the lord of the rings, villain, movie character, antagonist, book character, and riders images. Activation keywords: TheNazgul1024, man without face, and cape
The Nazgûl - The Lord of the Rings - SDXL
Best for producing style, cover art, and book character images. Activation keywords: animorphsC
Animorphs Cover [SDXL]
Best for producing character, movie, elf, harry potter, movie character, harrypotter, and book character images. Activation keywords: Dobby1024
Dobby - Harry Potter - SDXL
Best for producing character, heart, movie character, book character, wizard of oz, and tin man images. Activation keywords: TinMan1024
The Tin Man - Wizard of Oz - SDXL
Best for producing character, spanish, mythology, spain, faun, movie character, book character, pan, and pan's labyrinth images. Activation keywords: Faun1024
Faun - Pan's Labyrinth - SDXL
Best for producing character, lotr, orc, the lord of the rings, movie character, and book character images. Activation keywords: Orc1024 and orc
Gothmog - The Lord of the Rings - SDXL
Best for producing character, woman, girls, and book character images. Activation keywords: Sylphrena, spren and blue skin, blue hair, blue dress
Sylphrena - Stormlight Archive (Pony)
Best for producing character, halloween, werewolf, furry, book character, and scary godmother images. Activation keywords: Harry the Werewolf
Harry the Werewolf - Scary Godmother